I’m doing this all in community, w/ scholars, pastors, theologians, & LGBTQ+ Chrs, as part of my local church, as part of an officially sanctioned denominational process, and in an official capacity as a representative of my university.” I’ve read several but have several more to read, and am doing so in conversation w/ “traditional” perspectives.

Since that time, I’ve encountered compelling theological & historical arguments that challenge or complicate traditional approaches to this issue. (Esp among my Dutch profs who’d endured Nazi occupation.) My own strand of Reformed thinking comes w/ a deep respect for pluralism & rejection of Christian nationalism. This wasn’t because I was currying favor with progressives. As far back as I can remember, though, I never believed that a theological view on this matter should dictate government policy in a way that abridges fundamental civil rights. I grew up holding the “traditional” view, that same-sex sexual relationships were sinful. I’m participating, but as a historian, not a theologian.

“Do I personally affirm “the church’s teaching that homosexuality is sinful?” Which church? My own church (local & denomination) is actively reexamining this issue in light of tradition, interpretation, history, & science.

Rather than respond “yes” or “no” and despite ragging on him earlier for taking too long to respond to, she tweeted that she was out shopping at IKEA, and that she “Will get back to this when I can.” 12 hours later she has emerged with an article where she very much comes out in support of LGBTQisms, writing: